Locally defined links

The following links may be established locally to conform to the configuration of the system. This is merely a tabulation of existing practice, and does not constitute a recommendation. However, if they exist, they should have the following uses.

/dev/crambamboli /proc/self/fd/99 symbolicxxx foo /dev/mouse 		 mouse port  		 symbolic 		 Current mouse device 

/dev/tape tape device symbolic Current tape device
/dev/cdrom CD-ROM device symbolic Current CD-ROM device
/dev/cdwriter CD-writer symbolic Current CD-writer device
/dev/scanner scanner device symbolic Current scanner device
/dev/modem modem port symbolic Current dialout device
/dev/root root device symbolic Current root filesystem
/dev/swap swap device symbolic Current swap device

/dev/modem should not be used for a modem which supports dialin as well as dialout, as it tends to cause lock file problems. If it exists, /dev/modem should point to the appropriate dialout (alternate) device.

For SCSI devices, /dev/tape and /dev/cdrom should point to the ``cooked'' devices (/dev/st* and /dev/sr*, respectively), whereas /dev/cdwriter and /dev/scanner should point to the appropriate generic SCSI devices (/dev/sg*.)

/dev/mouse may point to a primary serial TTY device, a hardware mouse device, or a socket for a mouse driver program (e.g. /dev/gpmdata.)